• Your road to a 6
  • Documents specifically designed for exam preparation


Notations Java Documentation

[Mock Exam] [Mock Exam solutions]

Lernplan Template Lernplan Template numbers


Use the summary and slides to recap

Recap the relevant quiz and exercise sheet questions

Then practice with trying the exam questions we solved by yourself (the solutions are in the back)

Practice further with exam solving !


Use the codeexpert summary to learn how to solve DP & Graph CodeEx questions. CodeExpert summary includes old semester exercises and exams with my solutions and notes. The order is from easy to hard for each topic (DP & Graph)

In addition to that, you have my code snippets for DFS, BFS and Dijkstra implementation

2 youtube videos will be uploaded, where I explain how I approach the tasks. (one for dp, one for graph)

My Cheatsheets

As promised, the cheatsheets I’ve used for LinAlg and DiskMath